"There's one," I exclaimed at him as I passed through one of the open parking spaces. The only words I heard him say were, "Calm down already." Then I rushed him to get to the hospital which was a monument to me. Then, we found the door and rushed the counter. Then, my uncle asked the lady for my mom , and she said, "Fourth floor room number...” The rest faded out as I rushed the elevator for the hope of getting there on time. Then as my patience was coming to an end I saw the number of floor we were on increase. 1 , 2, 3, 4. Then, as the doors opened I tried pulling them open which caused more desperation in me. As I ran through the hall, I noticed that I was going the wrong way quickly, so I turned and ran the opposite way. I noticed there was a 2 way hallway at the end. A decision: left or right. I chose left. That made all the difference in the world. As I ran I started to notice the white painted walls with little baby decorations which seem really childish. Nurses were wearing gowns appealing to kids with purple, blue, green, and yellow all combined in weird but entertaining colors.
Suddenly, I saw my mom's room. I saw a pink curtain cover the door and I smiled as I impatiently waited for my uncle, I seemed he was a snail compared to the rate I was going. After what seemed an hour to me, he came quickly in about a minute and went inside and told me to wait. I then proceeded to look around. I saw the blank pink curtain that to me was a huge barrier between my sister and me, which I couldn't break. I started to notice the weird medicine smell there always is in the hospital. I noticed that the once seemingly wonderful chair I sat on was a bit uncomfortable and made with this blue plastic. Finally, they let me inside. I was happy. I looked inside looking for my sister. As I found her in this weird crib like stand, I walked over to her, and I saw the tiny little girl under this little light keeping her warm. She was wrapped in a pink blanket which made her look like a taco, which made me hungry. Then, I had just become a big brother and I will never forget that. EVER!!!