Interview with U-Pick Strawberries in Carlsbad
1. What is your name and your role here at the (farmers market, CSA, community garden)? Norman. I make sure people know what’s going on here and participate there and here.
2. Why do you choose to shop here/garden here/support this CSA?
Because of the pesticide issues going on at other places and this benefit the environment.
3. When did you first start coming here
I started coming here a couple years now.
4. Do you garden at home? Why or why not?
No I don’t, because I don’t have the time and the availability that we have here.
5. What would be your advice to get others to do what you do?
Try the Strawberries and find the nearest farmers market to you and enjoy what you’re doing and be patient success is not always immediate.
6. Why do you think you’re so successful?
Because we make our best effort for everything to run smoothly and we have a lot of people doing what there suppose to and that enjoy it.
7. Do you think you’re doing the right thing?
Yes, it’s what most people should do instead of buying them from pesticides and things that harm the environment and could help out a lot.
1. What struck you about the location you visited? Was it what you expected, or very different?
A little different, it was bigger than what I thought it would be and didn’t think it could have been as successful as it is. It was also very organized instead of being all crazy and chaotic.
2. Which items were cheaper than you expected? Which were more expensive?
Yeah, the strawberries, oranges, and watermelon were cheaper and were better tasting with a fresh taste (simple, fresh and delicious). Nothing was overly prized.
3. Do you think you will start going to a farmers market more often? Or using a community garden? Or supporting a CSA?
Yes the taste and all the benefits point out toward its better and cheaper and will try to encourage friends and family to go as well.
4. How do these locations fit into our essential questions of “Why Don’t People Live More Sustainably?” and “How Can I convince them to do so?”
Maybe, it’s more of the way people were born with and how the culture isn’t adapted to it. We just need to encourage it more and show people how and start by ourselves and our kids and raise them with that idea slowly spreading it around.
I really enjoy how you said that our culture isn't adapted to it. We've been raised in an era of convenience over health, so being wise with our food choices isn't as much of a habit as going to a fast food joint.
ReplyDeleteIt really made me think when Norman said that you should enjoy what your doing when you garden.
I agree, we should try and promote healthy living as much as we can
First off.... SHOES!!!
ReplyDeleteOkay. I loved that you went to a strawberry farm instead of a farmers market like almost everyone else. I agreed with you too, when you said that you didn't think that the farms would be so successful. But I think it's great that they are doing well because that means more strawberries :D
Fist off.... Manchester
It was intresting that you chose a csa. by the look of the pictures it looks your sister had fun. i like that you are planning on going more often to csa's or farmers market, and trying to live sustainably