- Begin sentences with subjects and verbs
ex. Marcos played soccer.
Activate your Verbs
- Strong verbs create strong actions, save words, and reveal the players.
-The Subjects preforms the action of the verb.
ex. Bond climbed the few stairs and unlocked and locked and bolted the door. Moonlight filtered through the curtains walked, stripped, cleaned, went....
The Loop.
The loop has an intro, the middle relates with the intro, and an outro which is coming back to the intro. Not ending it with a conclusion like most 5 paragraphs essays do.
A good introduction has:
- Character(s)
- Character development
- details
- setting
- location
- date
- conflicts
- statistics
- Quote(s)
- Irony
The intro doesn't need to have all of them but at least some.
#6 Concerts not pancakes
Pancakes: Has a great begging, OK middle, and a bad ending.
Ex: We are what we search for
an unnecessary word is added to the end. (for)
Concerts: Has a Great beginning, OK middle, and great ending.
Ex: We are what we Search
These were copied from someone else's, since I wasn't here for them.
""Take it easy on the "ing's"
- prefer the simples past tense
- "ings" add syllables (makes writing longer)
- "ings" change sounds
- "ings" start to sound the same (repetitive)
ex. Anna went running, swimming and rollerskating last weekend when she went to San Diego.
(using ing's)
When Anna visited San Diego last weekend, she ran, swam, and roller skated.
(taking it easy in ing's)
Watch those adverbs
-Use adverbs to change the meaning of the verb.
ex. The girl happily smiled ( In this sentence, the writer is not watching the adverbs beacuse the adverb happily is descriving the smile, and usually people smile when they are happy).
The girl slowly blinlked. ( In this sentence, the adverb slowly is used correctly beacue people usually blink in a very fast phase changing the meaning of the verb).""
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